Manchester, Sheffield & Lincolnshire Railway / Great Central Railway

Type Drawings

These drawings, the majority of which are dated November 1895, shew details of the standard items of infrastructure to be installed on the MS&LRy.'s London Extension. They were issued to ensure that the various contractors building the new line knew and adhered to the Company's standard designs. Many are signed by Mr. Alexander Ross, M. Inst. C.E., who was Chief Engineer of the MS&LRy. between 1890 - 1897.

These drawings were obtained by members of the Signal & Telegraph Department of the preserved Great Central Railway at Loughborough. The originals will be lodged in the museum there, but these scans are made available for all to use as they wish. Clicking on a thumbnail will open the relevant drawing in a new window. All drawings are reproduced at 100% original size and 300dpi resolution. A typical 8¾" x 13½" sheet is around 1.5Mb in size.

If anyone can fill in any of the gaps then we would be very pleased to hear from you at the following email address:


Type Drawing No. 1

Embankments and Cuttings

Section of Embankment

Section of Cutting


Type Drawing No. 2

Mile Posts &c.

Mile Posts

Gradient Board

Switch Boards


Type Drawing No. 3

C.I. Boundary Post




Type Drawing No. 4


Ordinary Post & Rail Fencing

Approach Road Fencing

Open Platform Fencing


Type Drawing No. 5


Unclimbable Iron Fencing

Open Iron Fencing


Type Drawing No. 6


Open Iron Platform Fencing No. 1

Open Iron Platform Fencing No. 2


Type Drawing No. 7


Paled Fencing

Close Boarded Fencing


Type Drawing No. 8

Cleft Oak & Wire Fencing

Cleft Oak Fencing

Post & Wire Fencing


Type Drawing No. 9

Sleeper Fencing

No. 1

No. 2

No. 3


Type Drawing No. 10


Approach Gate

Goods Yard Gate

Field Gate


Type Drawing No. 11

Gate & Stiles

Wicket Gate

Stile No. 1

Stile No. 2


Type Drawing No. 12

Name Boards

Station Name Board

Tunnel Name Board


Type Drawing No. 13

Platform and Wharf Walls

Brick Platform Walls

Stone Platform Walls


Image courtesy of Mr. Steve Taylor


Type Drawing No. 14

Timber Platforms

No. 1

No. 2

No. 3


Type Drawing No. 15

Timber Platforms

No. 4


Type Drawing No. 16

Carriage Landing No. 1




Type Drawing No. 17

Carriage Landing No. 2

Half Sectional Plan

Half Front Elevation



Type Drawing No. 18

Cattle Pen No. 1

Elevation to Wharf


Elevation to Rails


Type Drawing No. 19

Cattle Pen No. 2

Elevation to Wharf


Elevation to Rails


Type Drawing No. 20

Fogman's Portable Shelter Box

Front Elevation

Half Longtitudinal Section / Half Side Elevation


Type Drawing No. 21

Fogman's Permanent Shelter Box


Sectional Side Elevation

Sectional Plan

Ground Plan


Type Drawing No. 22

Wagon Gauge


Ground Plan


Type Drawing No. 23

Adjustable Wagon Gauge


Ground Plan


Type Drawing No. 24

Portable Wagon Gauge



Gauge When Folded

Image courtesy of Mr. Steve Taylor


Type Drawing No. 24A

Bridge Gauge

Image courtesy of Mr. Steve Taylor


Type Drawing No. 25

Rail Guards

No. 1

No. 2

Image courtesy of Mr. Steve Taylor


Type Drawing No. 25

Rail Guards

No. 3

No. 4

Image courtesy of Mr. Steve Taylor


Type Drawing No. 27

Clearance Diagram

Structure Gauge

Amended 3rd December 1904 on instructions of J. G. Robinson

Image courtesy of Mr. Steve Taylor


Type Drawing No. 28

Occupation Level Crossing

Half plan of crossing

Longitudinal section

Image courtesy of Mr. Steve Taylor


Type Drawing No. 29

Iron Buffer Stop




Image courtesy of Mr. Steve Taylor


Type Drawing No. 30

Wooden Buffer Stop



Elevation (Back)

Elevation (Front)

Image courtesy of Mr. Steve Taylor


Type Drawing No. 31

Hydraulic Buffic Stop


Type Drawing No. 32


Type Drawing No. 33


Type Drawing No. 34


Type Drawing No. 35


Type Drawing No. 36


Type Drawing No. 37


Type Drawing No. 38


Type Drawing No. 39

Permanent Way - 52lb Chair

For 86lb rail



Image courtesy of Mr. Steve Taylor


Type Drawing No. 39

Permanent Way No. 3 Section

86lbs rail & 52lbs chairs

11 sleepers to the 30 foot rail

November 1895

Image courtesy of Mr. Steve Taylor



Type Drawing No. 39A

Permanent Way No. 3 Section

Shewing position of sleepers

12 sleepers to the 30 foot rail

December 1897

Image courtesy of Mr. Steve Taylor



Type Drawing No. 39B

Permanent Way No. 4 Section

Shewing position of sleepers

14 sleepers to the 36 foot rail

October 1903

Image courtesy of Mr. Steve Taylor



Type Drawing No. 40A

Permanent Way - Check Rail Chair

Image courtesy of Mr. Steve Taylor



Type Drawing No. 40A

Permanent Way - 96lb Bullhead Rail

Image courtesy of Mr. Steve Taylor



Type Drawing No. 41


Type Drawing No. 42


Type Drawing No. 43


Type Drawing No. 44

Ordinary Permanent Way - Small Fastenings



Fish Bolt & Nut


Type Drawing No. 45



Type Drawing No. 46

Parachute Water Column

2000 Gallons

Image courtesy of Mr. Steve Taylor


Type Drawing No. 47

Foundations for a Parachute Water column

Longtitudinal Section

Cross Section



Type Drawing No. 48

Parachute Water Column


Type Drawing No. 49

Foundations for Oridinary Water Column

Longtitudinal Section

Cross Section



Type Drawing No. 50

Ordinary Water Column

Plans, dated 17th April 1907, shewing elevations, sections and plans for a sleeper built Platelayer's Cabin. This sort of cabin was common all along the London Extension, and one remains intact at Quorn & Woodhouse.


Letter, dated 21st January 1913. From the District Engineer, Leicester, to his Inspectors. It refers to two newly issued Type Drawings for fencing, No. 7603 and No. 8344 (both reproduced below), and gives details of when and where they should be used.


Type Drawing No. 7603

Post & Rail Fence (5 Bar)

Dated 16th February 1912


Type Drawing No. 8344

Post & Rail Fence (4 Bar)

Dated 31st December 1912


Hunting Gate





Drawing F8

Timber Frames

Crank & Compensator Frame

Combined Frame

Wheel & Detector Frame

Disc Frame

Roller Stool

Dated 27th February 1920


Drawing G28

Details of Ground Disc Signal



C.I. Stand

C.I. Fork

W.I. Turned Spindle

C.I. Stop

C.I. Table

W.I. Lever

Dated 22nd July 1914



Bridge Number 451

Rugby "Birdcade Bridge" over LNWR




Drawing courtesy of Mr. Tony West


Bridge Number 455

Rugby Station Bridge




Drawing courtesy of Mr. Tony West


Rugby Station Street Level Buildings




Drawing courtesy of Mr. Tony West

There have been visitors since 28th November 2007.